We hire for attitude, train for skills!
Corona Realty Highlights
Join our Team Today!
If you are getting lost in a gigantic, impersonal mega office where nobody knows your name?…..If you are working in a small office and not getting the training or business planning you desire……….please consider Corona Realty!
We are a family, team oriented company. At Corona Realty – “Everybody Knows Your Name!”
We provide our agents with a very high level of service. One-on-one…..face to face.
We re-structured our commission plan - you can now earn 100% of the commission in as few as 10-12 transactions*. Absolutely NO franchise company pays their agents more! *resets yearly.
Please contact us today about coming on board!
Thank you for your consideration.
Greg Ward
Broker / Owner
Corona Realty Inc. Highlights
Since 1963, our company has been highly respected in the Inland Empire and surrounding communities by offering superior services with honesty and integrity. We ALWAYS place the needs of our customers first.
1. The Best Commission Split in town – you can earn 100% with as few as 10-12 transactions. No other company can get you to a 100% split faster than us – it’s an unbeatable structure (resets each year on Jan. 1).
2. In-House Mortgage – New Vision Mortgage has served clients from all over the Inland Empire since 1997. FHA approved.
3. In-House Escrow Coordination – it’s like having your own personal assistant right here in the office (additional fee per transaction).
4. Recruitment Profit Sharing – If you help to bring a new agent to CR, we pay you 10% of the company’s share of the commission on every deal your referral closes.
5. Where Everybody Knows Your Name – We prefer a small office feel with big office technology. With Corona Realty you are part of a close-knit, team oriented, intimate and very supportive family.
6. Extensive Training for new and veteran agents – all training is available on Webinar for those agents who can not attend our “Boot Camp” Training.
7. One-on-One Business Planning – Our broker, Greg Ward, will help you create a custom business plan that will almost guarantee achievement of your Real Estate goals. Great for new or veteran agents.
The following are a few benefits provided to you by Corona Realty:
Most importantly…we are family oriented & personable. We have a small office feel with big office training, structure and coaching.
1. New Office - NO expense was spared to provide you and your client the most professional environment possible.
2. Very easy office access from N/S/E/W directions (15 Fwy. / Ontario)
3. Profit Sharing on any agent you refer to Corona Realty
4. Super fast internet connection with wireless access to all laptops
5. Tablet PC is located in the conference room for your use
6. Hot coffee, hot chocolate or tea….always ready
7. Large print job business color printer (nominal cost per copy)
8. Loan Officer on site – (New Vision Mortgage Inc.)
9. Freeway Signage – we receive a number of leads from our signage alone
10. On site Transaction Coordination – highly experienced! (added cost)
11. For Sale Sign (yard sign) for your use – no charge
12. Monthly Webinars on current subjects, changes, challenges
13. Boot Camp Training – Webinar recorded, over 40 hours of training
14. Live Boot Camp Training – offered as needed (3-4 evenings)
15. Mortgage Training on DVD (LoanOfficerSchool.com)
16. Quarterly and yearly awards for top producers
17. Superstar Lunch – close over $15K in a quarter….you’re invited (coveted)
18. Monthly Rhino Award – Top Producing Agent – Always Charging!
19. Office Voicemail that notifies you of calls 24 hours per day (if you like)
20. Full Time staff including Administration and Office Manager
21. Spanish speaking reception
22. Free “thank you” cards
23. Free document / brochure binding machine with supplies
24. Company e-mail referral: YourName@CoronaRealty.com
25. All agents are advertised on our company web site: CoronaRealty.com
26. 6 open desks with supplies for your use – no charge
27. Open Desk Computers: Dell’s with 19” wide screen monitors
28. Errors and Omissions Insurance provided at per transaction cost: $90. per side
29. 24 hour office access – stop in any time of the day
30. Extremely friendly, supportive atmosphere – We are a Team!
31. Absolutely no mandatory monthly costs
Core Values (what we believe)
Act With Integrity:
Honesty. Ethics. Without these, what we do doesn’t matter, because we’ve compromised who we are. We always act with the highest standards of personal and professional ethics. We set new standards of integrity for our industry.
Be Progressive:
Technology is here to make our lives easier and more productive. It is here to make our customers’ lives easier and more productive. We are continually investing in ourselves and in our equipment so that we can offer the speed, convenience and information that leads our industry.
Act in Our Customer’s Best Interest:
We place our customer’s interest before ours. We don’t advise customers based on what’s best for us. We advise based on what’s easiest and financially advantageous for our customers. In the long run, everyone wins.
Grow Professionally.
We look for ways to improve ourselves in customer service, new technology, legal aspects and industry trends. We read. We search for training opportunities. We surf the real estate net. We share ideas. We explore.
Grow Personally.
Corona Realty benefits from individual growth. We are passionate about stretching. We realize that we may not have all the answers. We ask. Reach. Achieve.
Be Energetic.
Whether it’s handling escrow details or closing a big sale, we are truly enthusiastic. We like to laugh. We do our best work when we’re having fun. Our energy allows our clients to relax and enjoy working with us. We are passionate about our work.
Work Hard - Play Hard.
When we hit the bonus board, we plan a fun event together to celebrate. A successful team effort deserves a team celebration.
Strive for Excellence.
Our individual sales performance is how we can physically measure our success. We honor high sales achievement. We keep our eye on the ball. We are winners.
Build Community. / Be Supportive.
When anyone on our team has a win, we cheer for each other. We share ideas. We preview property and share information. Through synergy, the group becomes stronger that any one individual could be.
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